Content Creation:

I specialize in bringing stories to life through visually stunning and impactful content creation. Whether utilizing my expertise in editing, crafting engaging copy, or immersive storytelling, I ensure each piece resonates with its intended audience. With the flexibility to concentrate on branded opportunities or harness the authenticity of user-generated content (UGC), I prioritize maintaining brand consistency and delivering excellence.

Social Media Management:

Navigating the digital landscape is my expertise. From developing strategic plans to daily execution, I excel in managing social media platforms to enhance brand visibility, engagement, and growth.

On-Set Expertise:

With experience spending entire days on set, collaborating closely with a production team—including photographers and videographers—I bring a unique perspective to capturing behind-the-scenes moments for client social media accounts. From Instagram to TikTok, I'm well-versed in navigating various platforms and ensuring each shot resonates authentically.